Carta de Viriato da Cruz e Lúcio Lara ao Min. do Interior do Ghana

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Viriato da Cruz e Lúcio Lara
Ministro do Interior do Ghana
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Rep. Federal da Alemanha

Com carimbo do MAC. Tem comprovativo dos Correios

Frankfurt/Main, August 15, 1959. MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIAL MAC =Cabo Verde- Guiné- S. Tomé e Príncipe Ministry of the Interior P.O.Box M 42 Ministry Branch Post Office Accra, Ghana Dear Sir, In reply to your letter of the 11th June, 1959 - Ref. No. SCR. 1040/6/32 - we must first of all thank your kindness and apologize for not having answered to you before, due to the fact that we were obtaining the necessary opinions from our comrades who live at other countries. 1. We also agree with you that the points raised by our enquiry require careful examination. Hence, we stand always to assist you in the matter. 2. We are still very interested in all the points of our enquiry. 3. Nevertheless, for the moment, we have the following concrete case: three comrades (and amongst these the two subscribers) are interested in immigrating to Ghana. The two subscribers - whose validity of the passports will soon finish - would like to immigrate within the next six weeks. The third comrade is interested in doing it within the first quarter of the next year. One of them is married and intends to immigrate in company with his wife and one son under 3 years age. 4. Will it be necessary for us, before our travel, to obtain visa from one of your embassies in Europe? 5. To the (a), (b), (c) and (e) points of your letter each of us has replied on statements which we beg to remit you herewith. 6. As to point (d), we inform you that, as no doubt you will appreciate, our financial status is difficult. At least for the time being, you are open to do not trouble you in requesting you one assistance which we would can refund at the opportune moment. We are arranging to obtain assistance, to journey to Ghana, from our compatriots in Africa. 7. But now that the problem was raised, will you be good enough to inform us whether would be possible for us to get from Ghana as assistance for that purpose? (p.t.o.) In the affirmative, on which conditions would you accord us that assistance Thanking you in advance and trusting to receive a favourable reply, we remain, dear Sir, Your very faithfully V. Da Cruz L. Lara

Carta de Viriato da Cruz e Lúcio Lara (Frankfurt/Main) ao Ministro do Interior do Ghana

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