Carta do MAC, ass. por Lúcio Lara, ao Committee of African Organisations

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Lúcio Lara (MAC)
Committee of African Organisations de Londres
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Rep. Federal da Alemanha
MOVIMENTO ANTI-COLONIALISTA MAC =Cabo Verde-Guiné- S. Tomé e Príncipe - Angola – Moçambique= Frankfurt/Main, 4th. November 1959 Ref. E/SA/27 COMMITTEE ON AFRICAN ORGANIZATIONS 200, GOWER STREET LONDON NW 1 Dear Friends We have taken notice on your Committee by our friend Dr. Hugo Menezes, who was in London during May and June of this year. Only now we have opportunity to take contact with you. Our Movement is constituted by Africans of the Portuguese Colonies, residing by necessity or exile, but temporarily, in different European Countries. The fundamental aims and objects of M.A.C. are: a) To struggle against the Portuguese colonialism and for complete independence of our Countries; b) To promote solidarity and unity among peoples of those colonies in their common struggle against the Portuguese colonialism; c) To support the anti-colonial actions of all African National organisations of our Countries; d) To unmask the Portuguese fascist colonialism before the international opinion; e) To promote friendly co-operation among the African peoples and to support the fight for the unity of the African people and countries. As all colonial States, Portugal spread terror and misery in its colonial territories, with inhuman brutalities and unbridled exploitation. But the fights of our peoples are actively smothered in order to give the impression to the world opinion that all is “peaceful”, consequently there are no racial, political or national problems. Meanwhile, in Angola, Guinea and Mozambique the people are being arrested and brutalized. In June and July, only in Luanda, Angola's capital, and Cabinda there were more than 300 imprisonments. The prisoners are accused to fight for independence. Many of them are dedicated supporters of our anti-colonialist struggle. The imprisonments, extending to all Angola, it is still difficult to evaluate exactly their number. Among the prisoners are the known Angolans ILIDIO MACHADO, VIANA DE ALMEIDA, VIEIRA DIAS, LEITÃO PEREIRA, brothers BENGE, CATUTO FERNANDES, brothers GUERRA, MINGAS and GRAÇA. In consequence of brutalities the Angolan BENGE is paralytic and dumb. Many of the prisoners were deported to an unknown whereabouts. Further, according the news from the Portuguese colony of Guinea, we have known that in 3rd and 4th August, owing to a salary revendication of the seamen of Bissao, the Portuguese authorities opened fire on the population. The French newspaper “Le Monde” mentioned 12 dead, but a correspondent from Bissao indicates 31 deads, 35 wounded and 25 prisoners. The curfew was imposed in order to subject the Africans to the most violent measures which repress the greater and greater discontentment of the Guinea’s people. We don’t know yet details about the events in Mozambique. We consider absolutely necessary that the Portuguese Governments see that, despite its cynicism, its crimes transpire outside. We should be grateful if the Committee on African Organisations, please, adopt appropriate attitude towards the present serious situation in African Portuguese Colonies, whose peoples fight for freedom with the greatest difficulties. So, we suggest that: a) The Committee on African Organisations could write to the Portuguese Government and to the Angola and Guinea’s Governors protesting against the murders in Guinea, the mass-arrest in Angola and the inhuman brutalities committed on the Africans of the Portuguese colonies, and claiming immediate liberation of all political prisoners and the suspension of the increasing concentration of troops in these colonies; b) The C.A.O will divulge by all means within its reach these events and other news about the Portuguese Imperialism which we can forward. You could so contribute to our struggle which is also yours. Whist extending to you our best regards, we hope to hear from you soon. Yours Faithfully LUCIO LARA (from the MAC’s Foreign Relations) Please reply to L. Lara Camillo Sitteweg 71 FRANFURT/MAIN 24 Deutschland

Carta do MAC, ass. por Lúcio Lara (Frankfurt/Main), ao Committee of African Organisations de Londres. Ref. E/SA/27

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