Comunicado de Guerra do MPLA

Documento militar
Papel Comum
Comando Operacional do MPLA
PEOPLE’S LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF ANGOLA M.P.L.A B.P. 2353 TEL. 49-15 BRAZZAVILLE WAR COMMUNIQUE During the last month of December, the MPLA military action was more intensified in all areas, thus ending a successful year. Mass adhesion of new guerrillas has enabled the reinforcement of several positions controlled by MPLA forces. The heavy losses suffered by the enemy in ambushes and mined fields, has forced him to slow his movements down to a simply defensive action and to take resort to his air force in order to supply some of his stations. Last December 27 at 5 o’clock p.m., a MPLA recognition patrol acting 2 kilometers from SANGA barracks met with an enemy patrol. Our guerrillas opened a heavy fire barrier which kept the portuguese patrol on the run, leaving 5 dead men behind. Frightened by our fire, the enemy soldiers gathered in their barracks from where they fired heavily but blindly their mortars throughout the night, without any results. On December 30 at 3:30 p.m., an enemy company tried to penetrate into a zone controlled by our detachments, in the MICONGE area. Surprised by the ready and heavy mortar and MG fire from one of our detachments, the fleeing enemy troops took shelter under one of their posts from where they disorderly fired again their mortars for two days in succession. Bloody tracks found by our guerrillas show that the enemy has undergone a heavy loss there. Our detachment has registered one dead. THE MPLA OPERATIONAL COMMAND Carimbo do: Comando operacional do MPLA B/VILLE 7/1/66 DOC. Nº 108
Comunicado de Guerra do MPLA (Doc. 108 - Frente de Cabinda)
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