Comunicado do Comité Director do MPLA

Documento militar
Papel Comum
Comité Director do MPLA na 3ª Região
M.P.L.A MOVIMENTO POPULAR DE LIBERTAÇÃO DE ANGOLA _________________________________________________________ war communique EASTERN FONT (MOXICO) ON THE 22nd MARCH, 1967, at 4.30 pm, a group of MPLA guerrillas ambushed on lorry and three jeeps loaded with Portuguese troops travelling from Ninda Post to Bundas (Gago Coutinho). The attack took place between LWATE and MUKOYI villages. 38 (thirty-eight) Portuguese soldiers were killed and 17 (seventeen) wounded. The vehicles were seriously damaged. This operation was led by the guerrilla COSTA. There were no losses amongst the MPLA forces. ON THE 25th MARCH, 1967, at 1.30 pm, two lorries loaded with Portuguese soldiers travelling from Kangamba to Muie post, were ambushed by MPLA freedom fighters. Falling into the fire zone of the guerrillas, the enemy lost 35 (thirty-five) dead and 6 (six) wounded. The vehicles were completely burned. There were no casualties on the MPLA side. ON THE 28th MARCH, 1967, at 1.00 pm, fifteen Portuguese soldiers were ambushed by MPLA guerrillas when they were sent to steal pigs and sheep from Angolan villagers. 13 (thirteen) of them were killed and 1 (one) wounded. The other one managed to escape. The guerrilla INKEKWAMITO commanded this operation. There were no losses amongst the MPLA forces. VICTORY OR DEATH, VICTORY IS SURE. THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF MPLA OF THE III REGION Doc. N. 15/67 1st/5/1967. Moxico
Comunicado de Guerra do Comité Director do MPLA na 3ª Região (Doc. N. 15/67 - Lusaka)
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