Documento do UNHCR sobre Programas de Educação e Formação

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OWG/emg cc: MM. Jameison Jaeger Cuénod Gobius Reg. (2) Carimbo de: HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES Mr. A.K. Sadry Otto W. Gobius 1/1/28UNED PRO U.N. Special Educational and Training programs 1. Hereunder is some background information, as requested by you, on the three U.N. Special Educational and Training Programmes which may serve in connection with the reply to UNDP in New York regarding the UNDP field workload “on behalf of UNHCR”. The Programs 2. Two Programmes are involved: (a) Special education and training programme for South West Africa, (basic resolution 1705 (XVI) of 19 December 1961, (b) Special training programme for Territories under Portuguese Administration; basic resolution 1808 (XVII) of 14 December 1962, (c) Education and Training Programme for South Africans; basic resolution S/5773 of 18 une 1964. 3. Entirely distinct from these is the U.N. Trust Fund for South Africa for which Ambassador Astorm (Sweden) is Chairman os the Board of Trustees. Administration of the programs 4. The paragraphs below indicate how the administration of the programs operates and I invite your particular attention to point (d): (a) Prior to 1 June 1967, the Department of PSCA was responsible for the Education and Training Programs for South Africans. This Programme is directed by a senior official of the Department assisted by a training officer on secondment for UNESCO. Contacts with donors, solicitation of contributions, budgetary matters and allocation of funds, selection of candidates, approval of study courses and all policy matters are dealt with in the Department. Operational responsibility (registration and processing of applications and administration of awards granted) lies with the Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations (BTAO), which applies the procedures governing the Organization’s Technical Assistance Programme. (b) The Special Programme for South West African and the Territories under Portuguese Administration were directed by a senior official of the Department of Trusteeship, assisted by a senior staff member. Not only policy matters such as those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, but also the actual day-to-day administration of the programs was carried on in this Department. (c) As a result of resolution 2235 (XXI), the Secretary-General has decided that with effect from 1 June 1967 there shall be a single Director for all three programs with over-all responsibility for fund-raising, planning and execution. Operation of all individual grants will be centralized in BTAO. Selection of candidates for assistance will be undertaken by a Panel on which the Departments of PSCA, Trusteeship and the BTAO will be represented. (d) For the time being the integrated program will continue to be operated with the assistance of the U.N. field offices, in particular the Office of the ECE in Geneva and the UNDP Offices in the independent African countries. Whenever possible, interviewing panels consisting of representatives of the U.N., the UNHCR and the U.N. Specialized Agencies will be set up in these countries, such as the one presently functioning in Lusaka. (e) The Secretary-General earlier envisaged the establishment of offices in Geneva and Lusaka to deal with the Programme for South Africa. This project should not be forgotten in the work to be undertaken with regard to the integrated programme.
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