Carta de Thabo Mbeki (ANC) ao MPLA

Papel Comum
Thabo Mbeki (ANC)
Comité Director do MPLA
*[Papel timbrado: African National Congress - South Africa] 10th April, 1968. The Representatives, Peoples Liberation Movement of Angola B.P. 2 353, Brazzaville, Congo. R 17/4/68 Dear Comrades, Mr. Sven Milthers, Internacional Vice-President of the Natinal Union of Danish Students, asked us for an article on the student sitution in Southern Africa. We sent him a short, general article on this which he has used as an introduction to other, more detailed and separate articles on the various aituations in South Africa, South West Africa, Zimbabwe, and the Portuguese colonies. Apparently, the Danish National Student Paper, in which these will appear, are concentrating at the moment on the situation of students in other countries, and to quote Mr Milthers: “As the situation in the southern part of Africa is very important for students all over the world, we would also like to bring an article on this situation in our paper... with special regard to the student-situation, but not exclusively about these problems.” We have promised them information on South Africa for their next issue, and ZAPU and SWAPO are writing articles for the next. Would it be possible for you to do something for them on Angola, to be in Copenhagen not later than the 8th May. Mr Milthers has asked that the stuff be sent to his private adress which is: Sven Milthers, Sneppevej 7, st. Tv., 2400 Copenhagem NV, Denmark. It will facilitate matters if you could write direct to him there. Hope you will be able to manage this, as the Danish students seem very sympathetic and willing to help. Amandla. *[Assinado] Thabo Mbeki. For Research & Publicity.
Carta de Thabo Mbeki (ANC) ao MPLA (Brazzaville)
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