«US policy (about Angola)»

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João Chisseva - Secretário-geral da UNEA
UNIÃO NACIONAL DOS ESTUDANTES DE ANGOLA U.N.E.A U.S. POLICY (about Angola) United States policy toward Angola rests on three basic points: (1) consistent with national principles, the government believes that all people are entitled to the right of self-determination; (2) the Government’s aim is to encourage a peaceful and equitable solution of the Angolan problem, based on the self-determination principle; and (3) it is hoped that Portugal will be able to play a constructive future role in Angola and elsewhere in Africa. The United States recognizes the contribution made in Africa by Portugal and feels it is important that Portugal continues to contribute to the stability in that continent. Because of the rapidity of change in Africa in the last decade, it believes that Portugal can continue to play a role in the continent only if it undertakes an accelerated program of reform designed to advance all the people of the territories toward the exercise of self-determination. The United States has supported resolutions in the United Nations all med at encouraging this and has opposed resolutions which it has considered extreme and not conductive to a peaceful resolution of the problem. This country has repeatedly taken the position that sound political, economic, social, and educational institutions are important factors in the achievement of genuine self-rule and that they are essential for long-term stability. It has urged Portugal to concentrate on the development of such institutions in Angola. Note: Sem comentário João Chisseva Secretary-General Washington, D.C May 5, 167 Carimbo da: U.N.E.A
«US policy (about Angola)», documento da UNEA
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