Comunicado conjunto da UNEA e da UNITA em Washington

Papel Comum
João Chisseva - Representante da UNITA em Washington, DC
Mai 1967
THE NATIONAL UNION OF ANGOLAN STUDENTS AND THE NATIONAL UNION FOR TOTAL INDEPENDENCE OF ANGOLA TO EULOGIZE THE THOUSANDS OF NATIONALIST MARTYRS ON BLOODY BATTLEFIELDS AGAINST SLAVE MASTERS Dear Comrade, Every political party or leader knows how important is the support of the national student organizations. Such support is so important that some leaders have tried to buy it from student organizations, manoeuvring their members and disregarding the national cause. Our parties are not exceptions in this matter, unfortunately. However much UNITA would like to be supported by UNEA, it has honourably avoided pressuring the students for that purpose because it believes that UNEA students as well as all Angolan students want independence for the country now, an independence which can be achieved only by really fighting the common enemy all over the country. UNITA is proud of UNEA students because it believes that UNEA is conscious of the fact that no matter how many big speeches may be given in world forums, no matter how many meetings may be held by political leaders or by students’ organizations elsewhere, that which will undoubtedly change the equation of the revolutionary situation is the fighting, the action and influence of the parties upon the people, and the cooperation of the leaders, students and peasants inside the country. UNITA believes that every single student, as well as every national student organization, will strongly support that party which will show a real dedication to the Angolan goal without an discrimination or fear of ideologies. For UNITA, UNEA’s consciousness of these realities is much more than any pompous declaration of moral support for the revolution. In this consciousness UNEA and UNITA are alike. UNEA and UNITA strongly feel that the attitude taken by some “nationalists” which has consisted in acting together with enemies against the UNITY of Angolan liberation forces, in other words in practicing the colonialist principle: “Use the people against the people” and run over them, no matter what specious reasons they may build up, means self-subjugation to a subtle aggression. The UNEA students are so determined to overcome any Machiavellian inducements and fight for their survival, dignity and glory that they will never permit such evil influence to penetrate into their strong and revolutionary bones; they know that the Angolans must be their own foundation, that the Angolans become honourable nationalists only by a radical and deep-refusal of the negation of their own being without any kind of racism. And from this, you of the UNEA and we of the UNITA may draw together our wisdom and our pride as we all dedicated to the same priceless cause of our country’s liberty. Therefore, Comrade, whether you are a gift receiver or a competent party in any “contract” toward your country’s liberation, do not give up your magnificent belief that you and I must be our own foundation if we want to succeed in changing the undesirable status quo. Do not forget that the people alone are the motive force in making of Angolan history and you are part of the people. For UNITA Carimbo de: UNITA João Chisseva UNITA REPRESENTATIVE Washington, D. C. May, 1967
Comunicado conjunto da UNEA e da UNITA em Washington (Maio 1967), assinado por João Chisseva «The UNEA and UNITA to eulogize the thousands of nationalist martyrs on bloody battlefields against slave masters»
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